CONNECT the church
This happens through communications with pastors, leaders and the extended Body of Christ.
build UNITY
This happens through a growing level of relational unity amongst pastors and leaders. We are ‘Better Together’.
activate MISSION
This happens through collaborative and strategic expressions that bring lasting solutions to community pain points.
Kingdomworks Radio with I Rick Prosser
Each week on Rhema FM Newcastle (Fridays 9:30am and Sundays 6pm) Rick brings, a program that highlights Kingdom stories that bring about personal and city transformations in the Hunter Region, with the purpose to stir and inspire listeners to advance His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Kingdomworks Collaboration Centre
The Kingdomworks Collaborative Centre is a creative space that seeks to connect and steward expertise and resource in the Body of Christ towards strategic mission in the Hunter Region. Located on the ground floor of the Compassion Australia Building, it has become a relational hub for regional Christian initiatives.