Interested in reaching out to people in the sex industry?
Prostitution is legalised in New South Wales and, as the second largest city in the state, quite a number of gentlemen’s clubs, massage parlours and escort agencies are located in Newcastle. Rahab is a free and confidential outreach to sex workers. Each month our team of volunteers take gifts to the women and are available to chat, pray, link to support services and offer a listening ear.
What we do.
Rahab volunteers visit the brothels, knock on the door, and ask to speak to the girls. We take small gifts – tea & coffee, succulents, cards, a wide range of things. We chat, listen, make connections. The team prays – before we go, while we are there and between visits. We offer to pray for the workers, if conversation allows. Where appropriate we link women to relevant support services, or catch up separately for coffee and a chat. In all our conversation and actions, we aim to prayerfully and respectfully point workers to Jesus, who can ultimately meet all their needs.
How you can be involved.
We are keen for committed Christian females to join the visiting team! We’re also seeking people to join the prayer and support teams. Those that join a visiting team are trained to prepare for this dynamic ministry. I
Make gifts & cards.
Mini pamper packs with items such as specialty tea bags, soaps…
Pray for the volunteer teams and the ladies they meet. Provide your details & receive email updates for prayer.
Join the visiting team.
Committed Christian women who receive training and go out in teams.
Spread the Word.
Share this information with your networks.
If you would like to find out more contact Kirsty.
Mobile 0417 217 210 or email rahabnewcastle@gmail.com

We will use your donation to buy gifts for the ladies and to help train volunteers. Tax deductible donations to Rahab Newcastle can be made through CityServe Inc.*
Donation details:
Account Name: CityServe Inc.
ACCOUNT No: 771 845 378
BSB: 082-514
Ref: Rahab
*Rahab Ministry was founded in Adelaide, South Australia and has locations in Sydney, Central Coast, Victoria, Port Macquarie and Toowoomba. In Newcastle Rahab is led by Kirsty Hammer and the ministry collaborates locally with Churches and Christian organisations including Kingdomworks and CityServe (Hello Hunter).
Rahab was founded in 2003, by Paulette Cairns who felt God wanted her to reach out to women in the sex industry in Adelaide. After establishing a small outreach team they began reaching out to women, some of whom had suffered extreme physical and sexual abuse. Since that time Rahab Ministry has expanded to many cities throughout Australia.
In February 2012 YWAM launched Rahab in Newcastle. Over the years the Newcastle team have provided gifts, access to women’s support services and most importantly kindness and friendship to those working in Newcastle’s sex industry.
In 2021 Kirsty Hammer, a member of Hunter Bible Church, took on the leadership of Rahab Ministry Newcastle. She approached Kingdomworks for assistance to help spread the word about this ministry opportunity. Her vision is to partner with Christian churches, businesses and individuals to grow the ministry. Her immediate goal is to increase the number of trained volunteers available to visit brothels thus increasing the number of sex workers being helped.